Benefit Concert for Nicky Sorbelli’s Blood Cancer Battle NEPA Nov 8th, 2015 River St Jazz Cafe, 667 N. River St. Plains, Pa

The schedule for the bands is set:

3:00 : Strawberry Jam

4:00 : George Wesley

5:00 : MIZ

6:00 : Behind the Grey

7:00 : StingRay’s Blues Band

8:00 : BKOEC

9:00 : Halfway to Hell

10:00: Delirium

Please drop off any donations, silent auction items, or gifts for raffles in person or mail to Waynes World Music  2611 Memorial Hwy Dallas, Pa 18612

Follow Nicky and the rest of the family on our personal site 
Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank Of The Florida Keys account SORBELLI 2487 

Nicky’s gofundme account 
Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures on Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at

When secret auditions for the next series of Star Wars Spoof on MTV MovieOnline came to Key West – Local Key West Musican & Music shop proprietor Wayne Sorbelli took  first place as Chewbacca

It’s a case of total confusion most of the time in Key West Lolx’s 1000.  I got scooped up off  Duval street because of my resemblance to the famous Star Wars character Cewbacca. Then   when they heard I new every Solo and had been studying Solos for over 30 years they were beside themselves.  HeHeHeHeHe the look on their faces when they realized I was takiing about GUITAR SOLOS Not Han Solo and his family lol.

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NEPA musicians Benefit Concert To Help 10yr old Nicky Sorbelli Kick His Blood Cancer’s Ass Nov 8,2015 @River St Jazz Cafe, Plains Pa 

Nov 8th NEPA Benefit Concert To HELP my son 10yr old Nicky Sorbelli with his epic battle to Kick His Blood Cancers Ass still needs donation baskets and raffle items.  PLS SHARE 

OMG these bands are awesome. This is gong to be a GREAT MUSICAL CALL TO ARMS for NEPA and for the GREATEST  CAUSE IN THE WORLD – so my little boy can continue to battle his blood cancer and my wife and I can afford to stay by his side over the course of the next several months while he continues his chemotherapy. 

Aside from the donations and raffle items that all my friends are throwing in, I will be giving up many of my personal items to put into the raffle – like a bunch of music collectibles & autographs & records, as well as a few of my guitars.  An all black USA Strat, a vintage cherry Dean Gran Sport, a few work horse guitars like my Reverend Charger HBFM and Nylon string guitar, and more. 

Follow Nicky and the rest of the family on our personal site 

Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank Of The Florida Keys account SORBELLI 2487 


Nicky’s gofundme account 

Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures on Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at

While on break from chemo Nicky driving the boat back home to Key West from fishing trip w/Commander Hawk Fishing Charters

While on break from chemotherapy at Miami Childrens Hospital we headed back home in Key West & got on the water as soon as we could. Friend Tim of Commander Hawk Fishing Charters made sure we had the best adventure ever!! Here is a video of after we caught a bunch of snappers and Nicky caught a 7.5 ft shark – Nicky learning to navigate our way home from the fishing trip – driving the fishing boat!!

Fishing in Key West Nicky catches 7.5ft 150lb SHARK  while taking 5 day break from chemotherapy @ Miami Children’s Hospital

With 5 days off from chemotherapy and the Miami Children’s Hospital we headed back to our home in Key West and went fishing with Commander Hawk and the family. 

Nicky was catching some BIG snapper but ramped up the adrenaline on board when he hooked a 7.5 SHARK!! A HUGE nurse shark!! It took him almost 5 minutes to bring in this “sea monster” OMG SHARK!!