Nicky Sorbelli & Family go on Miami, Key West, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, NEPA local news ABC TV affiliates asking the nation for FREE bone marrow donor testing to save cancer battler & inspirational HERO Nicky’s life

10 yr old son, cancer battler & inspirational hero Nicky Sorbelli & his family father Wayne, mother Jamie & sister Leela go on local news TV in Miami, Key West, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, NEPA (ABC TV affiliates) asking the nation for FREE bone marrow donor testing at

As most of you reading this know, my son Nicky Sorbelli has been fighting T-Cell Lympblastic Lymphoma since his diagnosis in May 2015 – his cancer became chemo resistant in late November so they had to switch his treatment to a harder chemo and a bone marrow transplant.
We need to start looking for a bone marrow transplant match for Nicky now ASAP because the results can take up to two weeks to get a potential donor’s results back. You can get a free home mouth swab test kit! **

** Free mouth swab test to register & if you are a match its just a shot & blood draw to actually donate for most transplants!

Monetary donation can be made directly to Nicky & his family at First State Bank of the Floria Keys: payable to Sorbelli. Memo Nicky Sorbelli donation fund (2487)

Official list of benefit concerts and fundraisers

DONATE & HELP Nicky Sorbelli & his family through his gofundme account

Thanks everyone for all the positive messages  and as always I will keep everyone posted as we go, as I can.

Follow Nicky’s own words as he types on his very own blog at

HELP Nicky Sorbelli needs a bone marrow transplant donor match. Free mouth swab test to register & a shot & blood draw to actually donate for most transplants!

As most of you reading this know, my son Nicky Sorbelli has been fighting T-Cell Lympblastic Lymphoma since his diagnosis May 2015 – his cancer became chemo resistant so they had to switch to a harder chemo and a bone marrow transplant.

 We need to start looking for a bone marrow match for Nicky’s transplant. You can get a free home mouth swab test kit!

PLEASE HELP & SHARE that Nicky Sorbelli needs a bone marrow transplant donor match. 

Free mouth swab test to register & a shot & blood draw to actually donate for most transplants! 

Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank payable to Sorbelli. Memo Nicky Sorbelli donation fund 2487

Official list of benefit concerts and fundraisers

Nicky’s gofundme account 

Thanks everyone for all the positive messages amd and as always I will keep everyone posted as we go, as I can. 

Follow Nicky’s blog at

Sorbelli’s need a Christmas Holiday Miracle! Cancer decided to fight harder so we need to fight back harder & asking for prayers & positivity to HELP us defeat Nicky’s Lymphoma! Looking for a bone marrow match donor!

Nicky’s last PET scan showed live cancer activity in his chest where it was originally in the lymph nodes in front of and around his thymus. 

He is getting a blood transfusion (hemoglobin) as I type this.  He is going in for a biopsy to verify the exact diagnosis of what they are still calling T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and this would be considered a recurrence as they were pretty sure it was all gone. 

The doctors here at Miami Childrens Hospital have sent all of Nicky’s info to the leading children’s hospitals in the country and four of the top lymphoma doctors in the nation for a review in front of the world’s round table of thinkers in this stuff. 

So far everyone agrees to hit it back with a different chemo that is kept in reserve just in case cancer builds resist endive to the first chemo- which his obviously did.  So far all say to prepare for a bone marrow transplant. So we are looking for a bone marrow match donor!

We have been praying harder that ever and are  asking everyone to buckle down and pray & mediate, please go now before whatever power that you call God, and beg for some positivity & help in Nicky’s direction. 

We need to start looking for a bone marrow match for Nicky’s transplant.  You can get a free home test at

Thanks and as always I will keep everyone posted as we go, as I can. 

Follow Nicky’s blog at

Reggae on the Rock this SUNDAY – BENEFIT CONCERT FOR NICKY SORBELLI – This Sunday December 18th, 2015 Stock Island Village Marina, Shrimp Road, Stock Island.

Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank payable to Sorbelli. Memo Nicky Sorbelli donation fund 2487

Official list of benefit concerts and fundraisers

Nicky’s gofundme account 

Nicky gets a PET scan today to see if any cancer is left and to check on his Thymus. Please send prayers!

PRAYERS NEEDED RIGHT NOW!! Nicky is going in for PET scan 8am-10am to show if there is any cancer left. 

 Please friends and family pray up a storm this morning and until j post the news either way!! 

Forward thinking, Forward moving!!

Monetary donation can be made directky to First State Bank Of The Florida Keys : check payable to SORBELLI note in memo (donation account 2487)


Nicky’s gofundme account

Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures of benefit concerts and fundraisers on

Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at

Heading back to Miami for the last 4-6 weeks of intense chemo then 1.5 yrs of monthly chemo infusions & 3 more yrs of chemo by pill – PLEASE keep sending prayers & HELP Nicky’s direction. Forward Thinking, Forward Moving!!

We are heading back to Miami today from our miracle Thanksgiving break to start the last four-six weeks of intense treatment (the hardest and scariest part) then down to once a month chemo infusions for a year and a half and chemo by pill for the next three years after this phase. It not easy but he is winning the war on his cancer and kicking cancers ASS one cell at a time!!! 

We had a great Thanksgiving at home with family and friends and got some much needed rest and recouperation as we are getting ready for the hardest and most intense part of Nicky’s chemotherapy. 

Please keep your fingers crossed and keep sending the prayers and well wishes PLEASE! We are living on prays by the pound right now. 

Folow Nicky @
Updated list of benefits and fundraisers 

Nicky’s gofundme account 

Bumper stickers for sale at Wayne’s World Music Dallas Pa and Island Guitar aka Bone a island Music Key West or just msg, text call or email us Many thanx. CONTACT