We are heading back to Miami today from our miracle Thanksgiving break to start the last four-six weeks of intense treatment (the hardest and scariest part) then down to once a month chemo infusions for a year and a half and chemo by pill for the next three years after this phase. It not easy but he is winning the war on his cancer and kicking cancers ASS one cell at a time!!!
We had a great Thanksgiving at home with family and friends and got some much needed rest and recouperation as we are getting ready for the hardest and most intense part of Nicky’s chemotherapy.
Please keep your fingers crossed and keep sending the prayers and well wishes PLEASE! We are living on prays by the pound right now.
Folow Nicky @ www.NickySorbelli.com
Updated list of benefits and fundraisers http://islandguitar.com/nicky-sorbelli-fundraiser/
Nicky’s gofundme account https://www.gofundme.com/uldcw0
Bumper stickers for sale at Wayne’s World Music Dallas Pa and Island Guitar aka Bone a island Music Key West or just msg, text call or email us Many thanx. CONTACT http://islandguitar.com/contact-location/