I never thought I could love anything or anyone as much as Jamie Maniskas Sorbelli when I met her over 20 years ago, but when I look at this picture I know I was wrong.
Love defies logic. Two plus two is not always four. Time and space bends for love. How can I love something “MORE than the MOST” more than 100%? I do. I love these kids and Jamie more than the most. Way more than ALL or 100%. This is math for Gods not humans I guess. Now to spend less time figuring out how or why and just enjoy all this LOVE!
Here is my :58 second prayer song “Ukulele Side Blues” dedicated to NICKY’s fightjng cancer.
OFFICIAL UP TO DATE everything Nicky Sorbelli. https://sorbelli.com/category/nicky-sorbelli/
OFFICIAL UP TO DATE LIST OF FUNDRAISRERS for Nicky Sorbelli: https://sorbelli.com/category/nickys-cancer-benefits-fundraisers/
To donate to Their Go Fund Me site: http://www.gofundme.com/uldcw0
Peace , Later
You my friend are one of a kind… Much love to all of you.