Nicky is not strong enough to handle anymore chemo or radiation so I make & treat him with my own natural cancer killing cocktails! Fighting a T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lyphoma relapse with God, prayers, friends, vitamins, nutrition & an aura of positivity so strong it’s become a constant almost physical manifestation of  HOPE – a presence of energy felt anywhere around Nicky

Cancer doctors said there is not much more they can do for my 10yr old son Nicky Sorbelli except for control his pain at this point. The tumor has shrunken but not gone away. He’s far away in blood health minimum requirements to handle any kind of chemo or radiation at this point. There are cancer cells circulating through his blood but they don’t know if they are fresh dead ones that Nicky’s body hadn’t expelled yet, or new live ones. We’ll know more in a few days.
We have prayers & vitamins & HOPE BY THE POUND so we still aren’t without a forward pushing fight!!!

I swear it seams like he’s getting better to me not worse.

We pray for him to get stable enough to go home to Key West & see his friends. I have faith in God & friends & the vitamins so I’m not digging a ditch or buying a coffin yet -FUOK that! I’m standing my ground & my beliefs that some of the vitamins have credibility & merit so I’m pushing forward & continuing my own treatment & I am NOT giving up hope. A matter of fact it has not felt like the end, but instard the opposite – it feels like a new beginning, ANOTHER beginning.
I pray that rebuilding his immune system, instead of beating the crap out of it, will buy us enough time to properly employ some natural cancer killing substances. Doctors said a few days ago there began a presence of a chemical in Nicky that is only present when fast growing cells (cancer) are dying or growing – basically Nicky started showing signs of a ton of activity – either his cancer suddenly started dying fast or growing fast — Five days ago I finally graduated his dosage level & dosage frequency to teported cancer killing levels with the vitamins & natural cancer killing cocktails we’ve developed. (Developed along with nutritionists, chiropractors, spiritual inspirations, self cancer healers like Dr Charles Majors*, networking with patients & families from coat to coast & God governed parental instinct) — then two days after I started that dosage amount & frequency is when all those levels in him spiked up. Doctors said because THEY didn’t administer any hardcore cancer killing agents like radiation or chemo in the past few days, they think those high levels in Nicky is the cancer growing not dying, but I DID administer a cancer killer that lines right up with it in timing with that date!!! I gave a huge dose of my cancer killing cocktail two days before those levels shot up – lets pray that the cancer is quickly dying not growing. Let’s pray that the vitamins hit the tumor like a chemo or radiation or even harder – like the hammer of God!

This is one EPIC battle. Nicky has been fighting for his life  each and every day since his diagnosis May 14th, 2015. T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.  Blood cancer. Now more than ever I’m taking full advantage of everything I have within my reach that I could use to kill his tumor. The Greek Cancer Test shows that Nickys cancer dies rapidly from arsenic or B17 – so of course I make my own using the seeds from three different apples a day & this gets mixed in with my “cancer killer cocktail” I’m serving Nicky with strick monitoring dosing frequency & volune down to a strick schedule.

To follow Nicky’s story in his own words on his own blog on our family web site:
For a list of Nicky’s cancer killer concerts and benefits

*Dr Charles Majors is one of the few people in the world who cured their own cancer.  He had brain cancer and after trying all the available treatments of chemotherapy he was told the same thing that Nicky is begun told right now, that you still have cancer and we can’t give you any more chemo” so he did the Greek Cancer Test and used that as well as other tests and information to make his own cancer killer cocktails – just like he taught us last year. He has been cancer free for MORE than five years!!! Dr Michael Norman is who told me about Dr Majors – thanks Mike!

3 thoughts on “Nicky is not strong enough to handle anymore chemo or radiation so I make & treat him with my own natural cancer killing cocktails! Fighting a T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lyphoma relapse with God, prayers, friends, vitamins, nutrition & an aura of positivity so strong it’s become a constant almost physical manifestation of  HOPE – a presence of energy felt anywhere around Nicky”

  1. Hi,many blessing Nike…my Heart and prayers are for you and your family.
    I can offer you a place to stay for you and your family in Jamaica for free..there is a cancel killer juice in Jamaica..soursoap juice..from a fruit that grow is been proven..
    If you want to take the offer call me 3059236433.
    Sending love
    Anais and Beatrice..Montessori

  2. Wayne, my thoughts and prayers are with your family. Go on Facebook or google Kare’s purple rice. I have had some awesome health results with this. You can call and Kare will answer any questions you might have.

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