HEY CANCER “FU(K U I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME”!!!!!!! Inspired by Rage Against The Machine!!! The rainbow that showed up during these photos, really validate my feelings towards cancers in general, physical political social etc.
This Rage Against The Machine song “Killing In The Name” is DEDICATED TO MY SON NICKY SORBELLI. HEY CANCER “FU(K YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!
Chin up in the air, two clenched fists raised up high with middle fingers hard, Fu(k you cancer! We look you in your bully face, right in you eyes, and laugh, and taunt, and say boldly – Fu(k You, We Won’t Do What You Tell Us. You are powerless over the spell of LOVE and AFRAID of our positve thinking and forward moving thoughts – well FU$K you and be gone!!!!