It’s a long hard road but we are “getting by with a little help from our friends” !
We thank all of our family and friends for continuing to add funds to our gofundme account as this treatment is ongoing and INTENSE requiring both Jamie and I to rent an apt next to the Miami Children’s Hospital. Our key west home is just too far from the treatment and careNicky needs and to be traveling back and forth is not practical or safeand furthermore there is not a single person in the lower keys who knows how to work with my sons chemo heart port, which makes treating Nicky in a possible emergency a real problem. So we can’t work as our store and jobs and all my guitar students are 3.5 hours away from us now. . We are away from our home and friends. Yes we are living on the edge fighting for life and for finances. We r ripping through our life savings & this gofundme account to hold us over and pay our bills until this intense part of chemo is over at the end of this year when then I except to go back to work. FORWARD THINKING, FORWARD MOVING, BLESS UP!!
Here is my :58 second prayer song “Ukulele Side Blues” dedicated to NICKY’s fightjng cancer.
OFFICIAL UP TO DATE everything Nicky Sorbelli. https://sorbelli.com/category/nicky-sorbelli/
OFFICIAL UP TO DATE LIST OF FUNDRAISRERS for Nicky Sorbelli: https://sorbelli.com/category/nickys-cancer-benefits-fundraisers/
To donate to Their Go Fund Me site: http://www.gofundme.com/uldcw0