Category Archives: Family Music Stores

Sorbelli’s need a Christmas Holiday Miracle! Cancer decided to fight harder so we need to fight back harder & asking for prayers & positivity to HELP us defeat Nicky’s Lymphoma! Looking for a bone marrow match donor!

Nicky’s last PET scan showed live cancer activity in his chest where it was originally in the lymph nodes in front of and around his thymus. 

He is getting a blood transfusion (hemoglobin) as I type this.  He is going in for a biopsy to verify the exact diagnosis of what they are still calling T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and this would be considered a recurrence as they were pretty sure it was all gone. 

The doctors here at Miami Childrens Hospital have sent all of Nicky’s info to the leading children’s hospitals in the country and four of the top lymphoma doctors in the nation for a review in front of the world’s round table of thinkers in this stuff. 

So far everyone agrees to hit it back with a different chemo that is kept in reserve just in case cancer builds resist endive to the first chemo- which his obviously did.  So far all say to prepare for a bone marrow transplant. So we are looking for a bone marrow match donor!

We have been praying harder that ever and are  asking everyone to buckle down and pray & mediate, please go now before whatever power that you call God, and beg for some positivity & help in Nicky’s direction. 

We need to start looking for a bone marrow match for Nicky’s transplant.  You can get a free home test at

Thanks and as always I will keep everyone posted as we go, as I can. 

Follow Nicky’s blog at

Reggae on the Rock this SUNDAY – BENEFIT CONCERT FOR NICKY SORBELLI – This Sunday December 18th, 2015 Stock Island Village Marina, Shrimp Road, Stock Island.

Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank payable to Sorbelli. Memo Nicky Sorbelli donation fund 2487

Official list of benefit concerts and fundraisers

Nicky’s gofundme account 

Heading back to Miami for the last 4-6 weeks of intense chemo then 1.5 yrs of monthly chemo infusions & 3 more yrs of chemo by pill – PLEASE keep sending prayers & HELP Nicky’s direction. Forward Thinking, Forward Moving!!

We are heading back to Miami today from our miracle Thanksgiving break to start the last four-six weeks of intense treatment (the hardest and scariest part) then down to once a month chemo infusions for a year and a half and chemo by pill for the next three years after this phase. It not easy but he is winning the war on his cancer and kicking cancers ASS one cell at a time!!! 

We had a great Thanksgiving at home with family and friends and got some much needed rest and recouperation as we are getting ready for the hardest and most intense part of Nicky’s chemotherapy. 

Please keep your fingers crossed and keep sending the prayers and well wishes PLEASE! We are living on prays by the pound right now. 

Folow Nicky @
Updated list of benefits and fundraisers 

Nicky’s gofundme account 

Bumper stickers for sale at Wayne’s World Music Dallas Pa and Island Guitar aka Bone a island Music Key West or just msg, text call or email us Many thanx. CONTACT

Sorbelli family got a Thanksgiving holiday miracle when after Nicky’s chemotherapy we got to leave the Hospital & come back home to Key West because his blood counts were holding up so well & fighting so strong

“Miracle Blues From Outer Space” TODAY’S soundtrack for Nicky Sorbelli’s EPIC ASS KICKING of his blood cancer! The Sorbelli family got a holiday miracle yesterday when after Nicky’s chemotherapy we got to leave the Miami Children’s Hospital & come back home because his blood counts were holding up so well & fighting so strong!!! He isn’t scheduled for any more chemo until Dec 14th so a little break is just amazing for him and us right now!
It’s a feeling I can’t explain – I’m so happy! There aren’t any words for the feelings that accompany getting out of the hospital and chemotherapy UNEXPECTEDLY the day before Thanksgivibg! It’s a true holiday miracle and we are very very thankful – it’s perfect! 
As we drive down US1 heading back home – I am getting calls and texts and emails from my music shop in Key West that there was a very special person hanging out and celebrating the holiday on Duval street  Key West – a one and only ROBERT PLANT. Yep that is special and he is probably cool to party with and hang with – but all I can say – and I say with much humility and respect – “MOVE OVER ROBERT PLANT NICKY SORBELLI is coming back to town!!” Robert you & Santa Clause may have to wait in line for the attention this year if Nicky is back in town because he’s the coolest of the cool! 

And Robert his hair was as EPIC as yours back in the day. He’s Lion at heart – a Golden Child God

Sorbelli Family Zombie Cancer Killer Super Heroes going to teach Nicky’s blood cancer a lesson on how to GET OUT & STAY AWAY


Sobelli Cancer Killer Zombie Heros
  We were training on being cancer killing Heros and keeping positive so that we may unleash on the beast cancer a serious butt kicking. 

We have to be tough REAL tough –  ZOMBIE TUFF !!! So we practicing getting ZOMBIE on today’s catch so we are prepared to take on Nicky’s blood cancer. 

We are getting ready to go in for phase 3 of 4 intense chemotherapy on Tuesday morning. We were at home in Key West for a few days of “rest/fishing 😃👍” – getting ready to head back to Miami in a few hours. It would have been great to see our friends this weekend but so sorry we couldn’t make it to Jazz Cafe Benefit for Nicky (we were under doctor’s orders to avoid anyone but immediate family & avoid all crowds (because Nicky’s immune system is very compromised at the moment as the chemotherapy does its job on the cancer) which makes fishing on a boat in the gulf of Mexico away from everything and everyone a relatively SAFE but very fun activity (except for  the swimming with the SHARKS part lol just kidding)
I’m asking in advance to please keep sending prayers!! Thank you 
Updates at

List of Nicky benefit concerts

Getting ready to start phase 3 of 4 intense chemotherapy on Tuesday morning. We r at home in Key West for few days of “rest” & light fishing w/Commander Hawk Fishing Charters. 

We are getting ready to go in for phase 3 of 4 intense chemotherapy on Tuesday morning. We were at home in Key West for a few days of “rest” “fishing 😃👍” – getting ready to head back to Miami in a few hours. It would have been great to see our friends this weekend but so sorry we couldn’t make it to Jazz Cafe Benefit for Nicky (we were under doctor’s orders to avoid anyone but immediate family & avoid all crowds (because Nicky’s immune system is very compromised at the moment as the chemotherapy does its job on the cancer) which makes fishing on a boat in the the gulf if Mexico away from everything and everyone is a SAFE and still very fun activity (except for swimming with the SHARKS lol)

I’m asking in advance to please keep sending prayers!! Thank you 

Nicky Sorbelli “Kicking Cancers Butt – One Block at a Time” T-Shirts

Nicky Sorbelli Cancer Killer Fundraiser T-Shirt SALE @Island Guitar Key West & Wayne's World Music Dallas NEPA
Nicky Sorbelli Cancer Killer Fundraiser T-Shirt SALE @Island Guitar Key West & Wayne’s World Music Dallas NEPA

Call us by phone or leave us an email for shirt orders:

Island Guitar Key West (Home of the BONE ISLAND MUSIC CREW) 1109 Key Plaza Key West, Fl 33040 Phone: 305-414-8056

For a list of benefit concerts:

Nicky’s Blog:

Island Guitar Dallas (Home of the  Wayne’s World Music Crew) 2611 Memorial Hwy Dallas, Pennsylvania 18612 570-674-1995    



Benefit Concert for Nicky Sorbelli’s Blood Cancer Battle NEPA Nov 8th, 2015 River St Jazz Cafe, 667 N. River St. Plains, Pa

The schedule for the bands is set:

3:00 : Strawberry Jam

4:00 : George Wesley

5:00 : MIZ

6:00 : Behind the Grey

7:00 : StingRay’s Blues Band

8:00 : BKOEC

9:00 : Halfway to Hell

10:00: Delirium

Please drop off any donations, silent auction items, or gifts for raffles in person or mail to Waynes World Music  2611 Memorial Hwy Dallas, Pa 18612

Follow Nicky and the rest of the family on our personal site 
Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank Of The Florida Keys account SORBELLI 2487 

Nicky’s gofundme account 
Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures on Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at

NEPA musicians Benefit Concert To Help 10yr old Nicky Sorbelli Kick His Blood Cancer’s Ass Nov 8,2015 @River St Jazz Cafe, Plains Pa 

Nov 8th NEPA Benefit Concert To HELP my son 10yr old Nicky Sorbelli with his epic battle to Kick His Blood Cancers Ass still needs donation baskets and raffle items.  PLS SHARE 

OMG these bands are awesome. This is gong to be a GREAT MUSICAL CALL TO ARMS for NEPA and for the GREATEST  CAUSE IN THE WORLD – so my little boy can continue to battle his blood cancer and my wife and I can afford to stay by his side over the course of the next several months while he continues his chemotherapy. 

Aside from the donations and raffle items that all my friends are throwing in, I will be giving up many of my personal items to put into the raffle – like a bunch of music collectibles & autographs & records, as well as a few of my guitars.  An all black USA Strat, a vintage cherry Dean Gran Sport, a few work horse guitars like my Reverend Charger HBFM and Nylon string guitar, and more. 

Follow Nicky and the rest of the family on our personal site 

Monetary donation can be made dorectky to First State Bank Of The Florida Keys account SORBELLI 2487 


Nicky’s gofundme account 

Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures on Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at

“Slide Ukulele Note Prayers part 2” dedicated to my son Nicky Sorbelli’s Cancer Battle

“Slide Ukulele Note Prayers part 2” dedicated to my 10yr old son Nicky Sorbelli’s Cancer Battle.

Pink Floyd style solo slide ukulele dedicated to the recovery of my son Nicky Sorbelli battling cancer

Pink Floyd style solo on ukulele beer bottle slide. Wayne Sorbelli @ Island Guitar & Ukulele shop Key West. HELP Nicky Sorbelli my 9yr old son whom we just discovered has T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (cancer) & we badly need everyone to HELP & PRAY & SHARE.
So far he is responding well to treatment.

What I can’t say with words I can with my notes. What I can not say with with my mouth I can say with my hands. So pls listen and pray while listening to it. Please find the hope, not the pain in my notes.

For those of you who are unable to attend a fundraiser, donations can be made  by scanning this with your phone 

“Wake Up Little Lion” Ukulele demo 4 my son Nicky by Wayne Woken Lion Sorbelli from Island Guitar & Music Studio in Key West at Miami Children’s Hospital

So here is one take of a song that I had written in my sleep for my son Nicky Sorbelli . I call it “Wake Up Little Lion”

Greetings!! Wayne Sorbelli here of Island Guitar and Music Lessons & Sales Studio in Key West.

I’m at the Miami Children’s Hospital with my son Nicky where he is battling cancer, T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.

Last night before going to bed I had a melody stuck in my head, a vocal melody and ukulele chord progression  – when I woke up this morning in the hospital next to Nicky, the song was in my head with lyrics and all. . So I grabbed my ukulele and a coffee and headed outside of  the hospital to find a private spot to use my iPhone6  camera to quickly record it before I forget it ( which happens to me all the time lol).

To donate to Nicky Sorbelli Cancer Fight  Go Fund Me site:

Click for more Videos

Nicky & I are typing and loading pictures on Nicky’s own page on our Sorbelli family website at